Thursday, October 30, 2008

Recommended blogs

Jumping the Fence

This blog deals with illegal immigrants from an objective perspective. Being a Latina herself, blogger Petra has a deeper analysis toward this issue. I can see that she really cares about this issue from heart. People don’t usually pay much attention to the issue of illegal immigrants, neither do our presidential candidates. However, illegal immigrants make a big part of our society. Petra provides us with a lot of precious information we rarely notice. She analyzed the issue from both sides, and brought up her own insightful conclusion. Jumping the Fence is worth visiting.

Homeland Security

This blog is dedicated to discussing national security. Instead of listing a wide range of cases, O bro focuses on airport security. Airport is the gate to United States. And with war on terrors going on, it’s high time we should set up a systematic security process in airport. However, this is no easy task. There are conflicts between security and privacy. Government funding is another problem. We need to think about if airport security should be a priority when there’s great deficit in our country. These questions are all valuable ones every one of us need to think over.

Reenergize Tired Earth

The blog concentrates on alternative energy. This fascinates me because energy is such a big and fundamental issue in our country. It is closely related to everybody on earth. Because we have conflicts between profit and alternative energy, so it’s interesting reading about how the author thinks about this issue. This blog refreshes my thought about energy consumption.

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