Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What about our veterans?

For veterans who have just come back from Iraq, they have to face another battleground—foreclosure. And that is a war that they have no way to win.

A disabled Iraq war veteran Wilson, who was deafened in his right ear and is experiencing a 50 percent burning of his body, can lose his house any day. He has to pay $532 each month for mortgage loan. That may not be much to you. But as the sole provider of the family who receives a fix income, it is hard for Wilson to take care of his three kids and pay the loan at the same time. He is now owing the lender three months’ bill. He survived the ambush, the shot on his chest, and the car explosion, but he is about to give up now—the house. Another air force veteran Cooper, who was doing three jobs to pay the mortgage, still found it hard keep her house. “Nobody will finance ninety-two percent value of a house, and I am getting more in arrears,” said Cooper.

It is tough for those veterans, especially when they are hurt or are under deployment. Although government has passes some bills to relieve the stress on veterans, still a lot of veterans are suffering. The bills include The Helping Our Veterans Keep Their Homes Act of 2008, tax reliefs (HEART ACT), and increased medical and educational benefits. I’m sure these acts to some extent helped. But I doubt they covered all the veterans in the country.

Those veterans have already sacrificed too much on the battleground. We shouldn’t let them lose their homes.


anderson shore said...

I definitely agree with you on this issue. It is going to be hard for soldiers to find jobs coming back to America as it is due to the economy, but I can't imagine how hard it could be for injured soldiers to earn money in order to support their families. They have done such a great job in serving our country away from home and now they are getting their homes taken away. I would definitely like to hear what each presidential candidate thinks about this issue.

O Bro said...

that is so rough-having to serve for your country and then coming home to basically nothing. Your family and lifestyles are going to have to change. What's happening right now really sucks.

Margaret said...

I feel really sorry for those veterans. They sacrificed so much for the country and they deserve to have cozy homes. son of ander, I like the way you said "They have done such a great job in serving our country away from home and now they are getting their jobs taken away." This is absolutely true and sad. The soldiers didn't let us down on the battle field, and we shouldn't let them down. I hope people will put more focus on this issue.